Communion: Taking Intentional Time With Christ


As you continue your journey into Christ-centered 3-C contemplative activism, we suggest you add in Stepping Stone Two, becoming singularly focused on all the good Jesus has for you. For many, this means intentionally scheduling your calendar so that you give yourself a defined time where you pull away from your busy life, intentionally holding a space empty so that you might meet together in communion with God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


Might we suggest, as you are becoming singularly focused on Christ, to make time in your day to include one of our devotional studies from our popular As I See It blog/podcast series? We publish a new blog/podcast every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. Join with other friends of The Contemplative Activist website who are subscribed to our free blog/podcast, by simply going to our home page, scrolling over (or down) to the Follow Blog/Podcast via Email icon, click, and you’ll be all set to go.

Each one of our blog/podcast studies can serve you well as a support piece in your devotional life with Jesus. As you’ll see when you open up one of our pages, each blog/podcast begins with a short scripture or reading, some thoughts to consider, and then concludes with a prayer and a question or two for you to ponder. Go slow. Walk at your own pace, inviting the Holy Spirit to join with you as you read and reflect. 

It’s here, in this time with Jesus, where the ancient spiritual disciplines of:

Centering Prayer…

Lectio Divina…

Visio Divina…

The Daily Examen…

Welcoming Prayer…

…become important tools in your life with Christ!

You can practice these spiritual disciplines as you work through our current As I See It blog series. Click here! to see what’s currently playing!



One of the best ways to bring practical application to the wisdom found in any of our blog series is to walk alongside a biblically-based, Christ-centered spiritual companion who is familiar with how to make it part of your overall spiritual formation in God. Many of our directors in our Spiritual Directors network are available to companion you in your journey with Jesus. Click here for more info.