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To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. Ecclesiastes 3: 1

Since January of 2010, we’ve been publishing “As I See It” blogs (3x per week on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays) here on http://www.pastorboller.com. Now, as I go into my 70’s, I’m sensing a strong invitation from Jesus to slow down on my writing and allow more time for pondering on those things I’ve already written over the years. A quick look at this As I See It archives page reveals at least 25 different blog series (below) I’ve penned over the last ten years. Wow! That makes for a lot of writing…and reading! I have certainly been blessed to know over this last decade that so very many of you, my faithful readers, have appreciated my writings. For that, I’m very thankful. So…here they all are for your perusal. ENJOY! Marty Boller

A Journey Into Good. Here’s our simple introduction to Jesus of Nazareth and why a person might want to consider following Him into all things Good! Share this link with your friends. It just might be one of the simplest ways to introduce them to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

The Story of Good. As I see it, Jesus isn’t nearly as interested in you and me managing our sin as He is in bringing His goodness to set us free from our self-consumption! It’s my prayer that this little poetic study (in 26 blog sessions) will stir something very, very good inside you. Something special that God has just for you as a refreshment of His goodness along the way. Join us!

Faith. Why Is It Important? Sadly, many in the church demand that we achieve high levels of faith & trust if we want to be in good standing with God. Here, we take a look at the deeper meanings of faith, and give you an opportunity for some true self-awareness when it comes to the faith that’s in your heart today.

The Enneagram: A Tool in Self-Awareness. Taken from A Journey Into 3-C Christian Discipleship series, this collection of 15 blogs has become one of our most popular series. Here, we introduce you to the ancient tool in self-awareness, the Enneagram, giving you a user-friendly and Christ-centered way to get started in your journey in self-awareness.

Our Ignatian Prayer Adventure. More and more Christ-followers are discovering the powerful work of the Spirit, as one delves into the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Over a suggested eight-month period, this 106-session blog series will assist you through the Exercises. Come on along and be blessed!

Iggy’s Biggies. Take a journey into the world of St. Ignatius, contemplating twelve foundational truths found within the Spiritual Exercises. Here, you’ll find a dozen Ignatian take-aways, in 37 blogs/podcasts, truths that when applied to your life, can become game-changers in your faith-walk with Jesus of Nazareth.

Peacemakers for the Cause of Christ: Facilitators of God’s Peace in a World Hungering for Peace. Have you noticed how fragile relationships seem to be today? Nearly everywhere we turn, once good friendships are now strained, strong family ties are now broken, and people, in general, are increasingly at odds with one another more than ever before. Jesus predicted that there would come a day when “the love of most will grow cold,” yet, the Master also said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” It’s time for more of us to step out of the fray and allow Jesus to form and shape us into Peacemakers for the Cause of Christ. Join us for this new 31-session blog/podcast series.

Contemplating the CreedIn a society where it’s really hard to find a common ground when trying to define a Christian, or what a Christian believes, maybe it might be beneficial to look back at The Apostles’ Creed to see if we can find what the ancient church thought was important when defining the basic beliefs of a Christ-follower. Join us as we take a journey into The Apostles’ Creed, (21 blogs) contemplating the foundational truths found within this ancient text. Who knows, you just might be surprised with what we find!

Contemplating The Prayer: Pondering Anew The Prayer of Jesus. Join us for this brand new 12-session podcast/blog series that takes a deeper look at one of the best known prayers of all time: The Lord’s Prayer.

Contemplating The Psalms. With three blogs per week, it took us nearly one whole year to make it through all 150 Psalms! I invite you to join us for this extended journey (152 blogs!) through the Bible’s songbook, The Psalms. And, oh yes, don’t forget to bring your voice and other assorted musical instruments, as we’ll be singing and making music all along the way!

The Christ Collection: Putting on the Likeness of Jesus. The day you made that decision to become a Christ-follower, God in Heaven, your Holy Father, the Creator/King, pulled out His needle and thread and began crafting Eight Holy Garments and Five Practical Accessories to place in your personalized hope chest. And as Paul reminds us in Colossians 3, each and every day, you and I can open up our closet, pull out a few of these beauties, and slip into something comfortable. Hand-crafted masterpieces made for this world, so when we wear them, we can go out on Christ’s behalf, shining brightly like the Son. Join us for this 16-session blog series!

The Gospel of Grace: Exploring the Good News of God’s Unconditional Love & Acceptance. The Gospel of Grace demonstrates to us that Jesus of Nazareth can lead us into Eternal Truth, and the Holy Spirit can indwell & empower us to live freely and lightly as beloved sons and daughters of God. This popular 32-session blog series through the late Brennan Manning’s classic, Abba’s Child, will offer you a view of yourself that just might set you free!

30 Great Hymns of Faith. Love the old hymns of faith? Join us as we look deeply into the powerful stories behind thirty Christian classics, with the earliest hymn dating back to 750 A.D. and the latest from 1923. From Martin Luther to Isaac Watts, from John Newton to Charles Wesley, this 34-session blog journey is sure to bless!


The Wisdom of Wimber. A collection of 64 musings on some of Pastor John Wimber’s richest quotes under each of these ten vital themes: On Christ and His Word, On Worship, On Gifts of the Spirit, On Community, On Compassion, On Healing, On Mission, On Unity, On Evangelism, On Discipleship. It’s this highly-popular series that birthed my book, The Wisdom of Wimber, As I See It.

Kalós: Guarding the Precious Treasure. Are you ready for a kalós reformation in your life, a quiet fire of God-renewal? Paul in his two letters to Timothy, states clearly for his spiritual son to ‘guard this precious thing placed in your custody by the Holy Spirit who works in us.” (2nd Timothy 1: 13-14). In this 26-session blog series, we explore in depth, Paul’s words to Timothy…re-examining, and hopefully restoring, kalós, this precious treasure of ministry deposited into us by the work of the Holy Spirit. Join us!

Two Joyful Pastors – One Great Work of Christ: A Joyful Journey with Paul, Timothy, and the Philippian Church. It was Eugene Peterson who said that Philippians is Paul’s happiest letter. Join us for this 26-session series that explores this joyful work of Christ as it manifest itself amongst Paul and Timothy, and the early church of Christ-followers in Philippi. Just maybe, we might learn a few secrets to finding true joy in the midst of our lives as well.

Contemplating Eugene Peterson’s The Contemplative Pastor. This blog series (first published back in 2011) covering Eugene Peterson’s classic, The Contemplative Pastor: Returning to the Art of Spiritual Direction, written in 1989, allows us to process truths about the pastoral ministry you might never have considered. Over 37 blog entries, join us as I share my thoughts on some of those new revelations.

To Lead Or Not To Lead? Redefining the Role of a Christian Worker.Glenn Wagner, states in his excellent book, Escape from Church Inc., that the church has, unfortunately, taken most of our cues on ‘leadership’ from the corporate world of America. As I see it, the question in the church today should not be, ‘Do we need leadership?’ but rather, ‘What kind of leaders is God asking men and women to be? Join us for this 12-session blog series that explores the biblical answers to this question.

Follow the Leader: Re-defining Successful Leadership from the Gospel of John. Return with me to the ancient words of the New Testament. Our goal here will not be to do a line-by-line devotional study, but to offer you a series of 46 blogs where we focus on the original disciples, the future overseers of the church, as they interacted with the Master, Jesus of Nazareth. If we’re looking for ways to move away from the 21st century corporate approach to church life, the Gospels would be the best place to begin and end such a pursuit. Join us!

The Wisdom of C.S. Lewis: 15 Truths. One of brightest theologians of the 20th century was Clive Staples (C.S.) Lewis. Author of The Chronicles of Narnia, Mere Christianity, and The Screwtape Letters, Lewis not only wrote books but also corresponded with many via letters. Join us for 15 of our favorite quotes from one of our favorite authors.

My Tale of 3-B’s. Here’s a brief introduction to what we believe is Jesus’ invitation to step out of the traffic of our busy lives and begin a trek to becoming Christ-centered 3-C contemplative activists. This short 6-blog series (taken from Our Ignatian Prayer Journey) tells our personal story of how we were first invited by the Master to this simple and sustainable life we call the 3-C’s.


A Journey Into 3-C Christian Discipleship: Twelve Characteristics of a Godly Life. Here’s the whole enchilada! Over a thirty-six week period (114 blogs), we invite you to take a deeper look into twelve key characteristics of a godly life. In other words, we’ll take a journey into the realm of Christ-centered 3-C contemplative activism. Buckle your seat belts…here we go!

Christianity 101. One of the best places to start your devotional studies is to re-visit the basic truths of our faith in Jesus Christ. Join us as we open up God’s Word (12 blog sessions taken from A Journey into 3-C Christian Discipleship) and look a bit deeper at what the New Testament has to say about Christianity 101. Even if you’re a seasoned believer, you just might be a bit surprised at what we find!

Real-Life Christianity. Let’s be honest. To be a Christian, a dedicated follower of Jesus, you and I must learn to go beyond just the spiritual truths of our faith, and get down-n-dirty with our day-to-day physical existence here on planet earth. Join us in this 12-blog series (taken from A Journey into 3-C Christian Discipleship) as we get real about earthly things such as how we control our bodies, our tongues, and our actions for the greater glory of God.

Be Strong in the Lord. Join us for this 24-session blog series (taken from A Journey into 3-C Christian Discipleship series) as we explore the themes surrounding Christian warfare. Here, we look at ‘the battle’ that rages around us each day, explore how Jesus handles it, and then we’ll unpack Paul’s words to the Ephesian church that offer us six weapons of warfare that come from the hands of God the Father, through the Son, and by the empowering work of the Holy Spirit.

Who Are You…Really? Could it be that you and I are so weak and unable to live out, at times, the life-changing Christ-life-lessons we find in the Scriptures because we truly don’t have a clue on who we really are in Jesus? Join us as we explore together (via this 9-session podcast & blog taken from A Journey into 3-C Christian Discipleship) this question of who we really are in the eyes of Jesus…women and men of great value in the economy of God’s Kingdom.

A Servant’s Heart. Many would say that it’s the way we live out our lives in Christ that really gives true testimony to the faith that lies deep within us. So, let’s ponder on the outward signs of a life lived well for God, and let’s begin by talking about servanthood. Join us for a short series (9-blog sessions from A Journey into 3-C Christian Discipleship) as we look a bit deeper at what God’s Word has to say about having a servant’s heart.

Jesus and the Workplace. The amazing truth about Jesus of Nazareth is that He is fully committed to getting up early each and every day and joining us as you and I go off to our work place. Join us for a short 9-blog series (taken from A Journey into 3-C Christian Discipleship) that explores these ideas that God is already laboring at our workplaces and it’s our “job” to go and participate with all He is already doing.

God and Money Jesus states it so very clearly, God alone wants to be our source of power and control in this lifetime and the life to come, and through the Master’s invitation, you and I can follow Him into a freedom rarely experienced by those who stay behind, trusting what’s inside their wallets more than they trust their Creator. Join us for a short 9-blog series (taken from A Journey into 3-C Christian Discipleship) as we open up the Bible and look a bit deeper at what God’s Word has to say about our money and possessions.

Living Purposefully. Jesus’ purposeful life was made that way, because He freely chose to allow His Father in Heaven to define His life for Him. Join us for a short 9-blog series (taken from A Journey into 3-C Christian Discipleship) where we’ll unpack this idea of living a Christ-centered life and explore how we, like the Master, can become recipients of God’s amazing gift to live life on purpose and to the full.


Religion vs. Relationship: Five Days That Define Our Call in Christ. Join us for this new Lenten season 27-session podcast/blog series that looks deeper into the five fullest days of Jesus’ three-year ministry. Palm Sunday through Maundy Thursday. Five days, as revealed through Matthew 21 through 25, that illuminate the major differences between organized religion and true relationship with Christ.

Our Lenten Journey. The season of Lent (between Ash Wednesday and Easter) is designed to be a holy, life-emptying journey into Jesus. It’s a season of letting go of worldly things in order to be filled with God. Here’s our 48-day blog series that takes you deeper into the Gospel of Luke’s story of Jesus, His Passion week, Good Friday and His Resurrection!

Psalm Sunday  What was really happening on this Sunday afternoon on the streets of Jerusalem? Read more here.

Good Friday  Read why Good Friday, is so good. As I see, it’s the game-changer in all of human history.

When I Survey The Wondrous Cross. Take a look behind the history of one of Isaac Watts’ most classic hymns.

Easter Sunday  Jesus is Risen. He is Risen, Indeed! Listen to one of our favorite songs for Resurrection Sunday.


Luke’s Christmas Gospel of Jesus. A 30-Day Christmas-Time Devotional. Join us for 30 days to the incarnation, beginning Thursday, November 26th thru Christmas Day: December 25th. Enjoy this Advent journey with Luke’s good news message to the world.

Christmas Through The Eyes of the Heart. We invite you to join us for a 14-session podcast/blog series which combines the reading of the Christmas story, as found in God’s Word, with seeing, using fourteen pieces of beautiful artwork that can bring your imagination to life.

Joy Comes In The Morning. As you celebrate the Advent/Christmas season, enjoy one of our personal favorites, a Christmas-time short story (10 sessions) about the time when Santa Claus, a man who takes his work very seriously, decides to pack it all in and skip Christmas altogether! I guess even ole St. Nick can use a good reminder of what Christmas is all about!

Let It Be. Fiat Mihi. Over the years, this post has become our most popular blog. Step into the powerful message of Mary, the mother of Jesus, her Fiat Mihi.

Handel’s Messiah. Do you know the story behind this great Christmas-time musical masterpiece? Read about the amazing work of God as George Frederic Handel composed and presented his new composition in 1742.

God Rest Ye Merry. See how one little comma can make a whole lot of difference in what we’re actually trying to convey to others at Christmas time.

Joseph, The Stone-Crafter’s Christmas-Time Prayer. Tradition says that Joseph of Nazareth was a carpenter by trade, but most likely, the ‘earthly father’ of Jesus, and his young son, were skilled craftsmen in stone.